Wednesday, January 20, 2010

it's only wednesday?

first of all, i don't understand the point of calling wednesday's "hump day"...yes, it is the middle/hump of the week, but to me wednesday's are just a tease. a big reminder that though it is not the dreaded-beginning-of-the-week any longer you still have 2 more days of work and class till the weekend. for me this week couldn't be going by any slower.

so far my LAST first week of school EVERRR (thank you jesus), has been just wonderful. my semester is going to be amazing and i cannot wait till i get deeper into the topics of the classes i am taking. here they are:

Cultural Diversity & Pluralism in Agriculture:
my prof is a 60-something, African American man from South Carolina. He also doubles as a pastor to his church on the side, so you can imagine what a powerful, motivated man he is. i am going to LOVE this class--being the opinionated person that i am--i can already tell that my mouth will open a lot and my participation points will sky rocket! we are going to learn about the proper things to say in the workforce, what is right and wrong (aka "politically correct"). i'm excited to share my open-mindedness with, what seems to be, a classroom filled with prof told me he was excited to hear the things i had to say and to not be afraid to speak up!

Environmental Design 101-Creative and Innovative Design:
This is a FRESHMAN level class...why i waited to take something like this till my last semester? i have no idea. but the good thing is that i feel as though i will somehow appreciate the things i learn more being older. the professor rode into class on a SEGWAY (you know, the two-wheeled, pedestals that look like something from the future). he is from Columbia and i absolutely love his accent and listening to him talk about how having a creative, innovative mind will only benefit you in the future. i'm really looking forward to this class...

Astronomy Lab:
basically self explanatory. i drive 15 miles outside of college station, in the pitch dark and look at the stars through telescopes. i'm excited to finally understand the sky and know what constellations are and all that gibber-jabber. should be interesting!

Floral Design:
i am going to learn how to make flower arrangements...and how to be more artsy! this is very hopeful, because if for some reason my journalism career doesn't take off maybe i can just get paid taking flower orders from local high school kids. they always have a new boyfriend/girlfriend each week.

the spring semester is going to bring a lot of wonderful things to me! i'm ready for all of them and for the end result of 4 long years at texas a&m. bring it on!


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