Friday, January 29, 2010

filler post.

well, it's been a whole 2 days since my last update and let me tell you...nothing important or exciting has happened. (except a complete blackout at the building i work in--no, wait. that happened monday.) i just live that kind of life, i guess. soon though, i will have fabulous stories to share with the world wide web (or maybe just the 4 people that i know read this).

the spring semester always seems to fly by --maybe it's due to the fact that i am constantly busy with something every weekend/some weeks are even full. events of the spring include:
  1. dunking my ring in april. (yes, dunking it in a pitcher of beer. it's an aggie thing.)
  2. interning at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo in march! (one of my favorite parts.)
  3. CHILIFEST! (if you don't know what this is...god bless your heart.)
  4. the college of ag career fair (i am finally going to attend. i need a job.)
  5. presentations/projects/homework (seems normal, right?)
  6. WADE BOWEN & BRANDON RHYDER! (my two favorite texas country artists!)
  7. visits to see friends & family/visits from friends & family
  8. &&& finally, the best part of this semester--GRADUATION MAY 14th!!

that may not seem like a lot but when i look in my BlackBerry, every weekend is highlighted with something to do. i like staying busy...keeps my mind from wandering too far. i hope in the next few months all of these jobs i've been applying to (almost 30-something) start contacting me. i know it's still january, but i think i would feel much more at ease if i knew where my life was going to be after may. i have to remember that i cannot predict the future and that everything will just fall into place--things have been going that way for a while now for me, i hope it sticks around.

more later on. i'm sure after this weekend i'll have something more interesting to talk about!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

men are from mars.

what a day! what a day! what a day! -- i had to say it three times because it has been that full!

tuesday's are my LONG days: On campus from 7:45 am till 5 pm then (starting next week, this week it was a meeting) a workout and my lab out at the astronomy observatory from 7:30 till about 10. throw in about 5 hours of work during my breaks and call it a tuesDAY.

tonight in my lab we learned how to use star charts to find constellations, main stars and whatnot. basically i can now tell you where ORION's belt is, the North Star (Polaris) and MARS! yes, mars! this may sound extra nerdy of me but, i cannot wait to look at these things through the telescopes! the universe fascinates me--learning about it in depth will be interesting.

wow, i feel extra nerdy for making this post all about astronomy...but i am really excited about this class. that is sort of what i saw--not as bright though. i'm guessing this is through a small telescope.

something not star-related: didn't get to workout today, which isn't an awful thing considering the pain i am still in from yesterday's lunges and butt kicking! tomorrow i plan on hitting it hard, i have to burn off the evil McDonald's i subjected myself to for dinner on-the-go. (i'm allowed to slip, just not everyday!) tomorrow is wednesday--i've expressed my feelings of this humpDAY--and i am hoping it goes by quickly; i am ready for the weekend! i need to have some college station fun with my friends, i feel like it's been far too long! hopefully something fabulous will happen in the next few days so i wont have to bore my MILLIONS of readers with crap-talk about my classes.

note: the title of this blog is not influenced by the male is only because we located mars & for some reason the book title has been stuck in my head. (wouldn't it explain a lot if they really were from mars though? maybe i should read it, might be insightful!!)


Words of Inspiration for the Day

"it's easier to prevent bad habits than to break them." -- benjamin franklin

i used to be the queen of drive-through-dinners-lunches-breakfast-snack. NOT healthy. NOT okay! i like this quote; i have learned that old habits never have to work hard and aim for prevention! slips happen, it's human nature to mess up, just have to keep motivated!

Monday, January 25, 2010

step & kick.

go team kick BUTT! (that would be caroline & me today!)

for the last hour we worked out harder than i have in a longggg time! 2.5 mile walk with lunges, glute kicks, side lunges, side kicks (for those pesky love handles) and high-knee skipping. i haven't pushed myself that hard in a good while and even though it wasn't the most ridiculous workout, it was still at 2 in the afternoon on a sunny day--my head is like a wet mop. we definitely burned some calories and i am going to feel it--in my my butt, my thighs, my calves, everything--in the morning!

i'm so proud of myself (and my roommates) for keeping this healthy, walking kick we have going! there has always been talk of "i'm going to start working out on monday," or "i'm so sick looking, i have got to start doing something about it." well, now i am...we all are! it's always easier to change your lifestyle when people you are around the majority of your time are on the same page. i can't wait to see some results--i can feel it working now but seeing it is a completely different story.

meet Izzy (my family dog)--this is about how i feel right now...pooped!


Words of Inspiration for the Day

"unless you puke, faint or die, keep going"--Jillian Michaels

basically, she scares the dog-tar out of me on The Biggest Loser and if her words can help people in need of a LOT more exercise than i do...then i am going to cherish them along my new healthy road.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

whirl wind weekend. (say that 3x fast!)

first off, check out my niece's 1st birthday cake! It's amazing! (and it was quite delicious i might add--strawberry!)

weekends at my parents house are ALWAYS a good time! like i mentioned before, i love being around my family, more than the average college student i'm sure, and to clear something FATHER is also one of my favorite people in the world! (he got a little sour after seeing i had only mentioned my mother and sister's in my "family" post. sorry daddy!)

when i arrived in hillsboro on friday night the whole family loaded up and went out to eat (we used to do this quite often but it had drifted off the charts recently) at el conquistador--el con for short! this is my absolute favorite place to eat when i go home. one of my best friends growing up family owns the chain and i have been eating there for literally, my entire life! some will argue, but el con is by far the best TEX-MEX in my opinion...maybe i'm bias?! if you ever drive north on I-35 towards dallas/fort worth, exit off in hillsboro and try yourself some el con, you won't be disappointed! (it's just across from the booming outlet mall.)

this week should be pretty calm, the school work hasn't really set in quite yet. i do have to get started on a project due next tuesday...should be pretty fun to do, so i'm not dreading it!

not a whole lot to talk about today--more later on this week! going out for dollar margarita's tomorrow night with my friend Jamie! she's leaving to student teach for the's going to be weird not seeing her all the time. off to the real world (sort of). we're all growing up so fast...not just my 1-year-old niece!

Words of Inspiration for the Day

"it ain't that i can't see, or find my way home, it's just that i like to breath, out on country roads." --ryan bingham

Ryan Bingham is one of the best Texas musicians to date. his songs and lyrics hit home; this line from "Country Roads" reminds me that no matter where life may take me, i'll always remember where i came from--and late nights on country roads!

Friday, January 22, 2010

pushing through.

as a part of my new & improved self (or as my sister emily says, "Positive Patty") i have started changing the way i do things. this includes:
  • actually putting on make-up and NOT wearing a t-shirt to school/work
  • hour-long, 3-mile walks my roommates. (so far 3 times this week, yesterday was a day of rest in our house.)
  • eating healthy meals, at least 4 times a day. (well, it's not McDonald's, Jack-in-the-Box or Taco it's somewhat balanced. i can't cook very well, so i do what i can.)
  • not freaking out about the little things that wont matter tomorrow. a habit i had come quite accustomed too.
  • catching up with old/lost friends! it's good to know that even though things have changed people are still around when you need a buddy!
  • being more updated on current events. i've started reading the Huffington Post daily! (i also applied for a job with them--keep your fingers crossed!)

so far those are the changes i have attempted to make and will try to continue to make in my life! it feels good to put them in writing on's a constant reminder to keep pushing through every day.


Words of Inspiration for the Day:

"even through a stone, a flower can bloom..." -- Miranda Lambert.

Miranda Lambert is a huge inspiration of mine. she is a "says what she wants to, takes-no-crap-from-anyone, god fearin' Texas woman," who writes some of the most powerful songs i have ever heard. i hope to go see her play February 12th in Fort Worth @ Billy Bob's Texas!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

beans & rice. rice & beans.

today was pretty productive, for the most part. it started at 8 am and went till about 5:01pm...then i treated myself to a little retail therapy! i can literally be in the worst mood possible, walk into a mall and poof! everything fogging my mind's like magic. i do a lot of window-shopping. even though most would ask why the hell i gaze at unattainable purchases whilst i just got out of my funk? i love clothes. i love shoes. i love food. i love the creepy mannequins. i love the word "sale". i love it all. i don't have to buy these things to feel a satisfaction with my visit. (though, a little charge here and there does happen on occasion!)

i'm so excited for tomorrow at 4! i'm going home for the weekend to be with my family...which i do quite enjoy! (i know they read this...and NO i'm not just saying this stuff to make them feel loved. i really do love being at home.) my sister's & mom are the best friends i have. (no offense to my actual best friends, you know what i mean!) some people will say that family is family, they can't be your friends. that is not true with mine. and believe me, when the "Gina's" get together it's a damn good time!! we've even dubbed my niece "lil' G" (little gina...get it?)

here are some photo's to familiarize you with these people i have referred to:

Kati aka "Gina" (the oldest one.)

Emily aka "Ra'Jay Jay" (the middle one.)

Jami Lin aka "Lil' G" (the niece.)

The Whole Gang.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

it's only wednesday?

first of all, i don't understand the point of calling wednesday's "hump day"...yes, it is the middle/hump of the week, but to me wednesday's are just a tease. a big reminder that though it is not the dreaded-beginning-of-the-week any longer you still have 2 more days of work and class till the weekend. for me this week couldn't be going by any slower.

so far my LAST first week of school EVERRR (thank you jesus), has been just wonderful. my semester is going to be amazing and i cannot wait till i get deeper into the topics of the classes i am taking. here they are:

Cultural Diversity & Pluralism in Agriculture:
my prof is a 60-something, African American man from South Carolina. He also doubles as a pastor to his church on the side, so you can imagine what a powerful, motivated man he is. i am going to LOVE this class--being the opinionated person that i am--i can already tell that my mouth will open a lot and my participation points will sky rocket! we are going to learn about the proper things to say in the workforce, what is right and wrong (aka "politically correct"). i'm excited to share my open-mindedness with, what seems to be, a classroom filled with prof told me he was excited to hear the things i had to say and to not be afraid to speak up!

Environmental Design 101-Creative and Innovative Design:
This is a FRESHMAN level class...why i waited to take something like this till my last semester? i have no idea. but the good thing is that i feel as though i will somehow appreciate the things i learn more being older. the professor rode into class on a SEGWAY (you know, the two-wheeled, pedestals that look like something from the future). he is from Columbia and i absolutely love his accent and listening to him talk about how having a creative, innovative mind will only benefit you in the future. i'm really looking forward to this class...

Astronomy Lab:
basically self explanatory. i drive 15 miles outside of college station, in the pitch dark and look at the stars through telescopes. i'm excited to finally understand the sky and know what constellations are and all that gibber-jabber. should be interesting!

Floral Design:
i am going to learn how to make flower arrangements...and how to be more artsy! this is very hopeful, because if for some reason my journalism career doesn't take off maybe i can just get paid taking flower orders from local high school kids. they always have a new boyfriend/girlfriend each week.

the spring semester is going to bring a lot of wonderful things to me! i'm ready for all of them and for the end result of 4 long years at texas a&m. bring it on!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

i like copying caroline meinen...daily!

so, to copy my good and dear friend caroline (who recently updated her long over due blog as well) i decided to get on here and update my life to all my curious readers--i know there are SO many!

2009 = the worst/BEST year of my life. i am SO glad it's over--new start, new year!

my number one hope for 2010 is for me to be HAPPY! really and truly happy with: myself, my life, my aspirations, my writing, my health, my body, my words, my EVERYTHING! i figure why dwell in the past and look down upon myself for all the "imperfections" i thought were weighing me (literally) down. time to get past all the negative and become my OWN person with my OWN thoughts and goals! (something i thought i had always attained, but recent episodes of me feeling "sorry for myself" or "depressed" even have shown me that i only thought i had it all together--it's time to GET it together now!)

i've started applying--like a mad woman--to any and every journalism industry job i can get my hands on, even the really unrealistic ones that just sound so fabulous i couldn't resist. though people (i.e. my friends, family, professors, classmates, etc.) tell me i am "wishing my life away" by constantly expressing my burning desire to be DONE with school, i cannot wait to start my professional life. college has been amazing! don't get me wrong, but i went through so many hard times and emotional issues that i just want it all in the past. yes, i will miss the freedom of not paying my own bills and whatnot, but i am more than ready to take on the responsibility of supporting myself (my mother would be proud) and wake up every day to go to a job i may (or may not) love!! i want to close this book called "betsy's aggieland experience" and start a brand new series titled, "TBD: the tales of betsy post grad"--pretty catchy huh?!

i am going to try my hardest to keep blogging on here, if not 3 times a week than at LEAST once a week. my life, at the moment, isn't the most exciting thing in the world...therefore i don't have much to work with, but being a great writer is being able to write about ANYTHING. this is my challenge for the remainder of the semester: write more, read more, live more.
