Wednesday, March 31, 2010

yes, i'm ALIVE!

oh. my. word. times have been BEYOND crazy & here i am again, weeks from my latest post. tisk, tisk!

where to start? well, i guess i can begin with an official countdown to graduation:
6 weeks and 2 days (i can't count mins/seconds) till i am POST grad!

now, that may seem like a good while but, considering every weekend from now on is consumed with exciting adventures, it will be here before i know it. i am so ready for college to end & to start my NEW and IMPROVED life elsewhere. college station has been a blast, don't get me wrong, but it's most definitely time for a change--and a big one at that!

my plan (as of now) is to move to austin come June. i've already started looking for apartments and found a GREAT deal, went by for a visit and have basically fallen in love with the 700sq ft box i could call home one day. the only thing holding me back from jumping to sign a lease is the fact that i have YET TO FIND A JOB!

ATTN: journalism industry/music magazines/anyone who will hire me to write for them -- i need your help and i need it now! times are tough and i cannot pay the bills without you. thanks!

it's not like i'm just sitting around all day and not trying or looking for something, i've applied for a TON of's just that no one is bitin'. which is understandable. i keep hearing, "we generally hire people with more experience." can someone please tell me how i am going to ever gain experience in the real world if i am not given a chance? anyone?

one positive is, i had some very HOPEFUL meetings in austin last friday (which was also when i went looking at my new apt. i'm just going to call it mine because, in my head, it is!) and let me tell you i am VERY excited about the results. no, noone hired me on the spot...but i did get to meet with some amazing people at some amazing publications & let's just say i'm praying that one day, in the near future i hope, you will see my name in a byline. FREELANCE WORK HERE I COME! (freelancing is how i am going to gain that "experience" everyone keeps telling me i need. so, bring it on!)

now, a story here and there won't pay the bills completely; this i do know. i plan on finding a job to keep me goin' and so far my options are:
  1. a teller at a bank. (not sure if i can deal with ignorant people on a daily basis, but i'll just suck it up!)
  2. wait tables. (i'm almost positive i'd spill a tray or two.)
  3. office work. (i know i can answer phones, type, file, etc. been doing it for years already.)
  4. pimp myself out. (i think i need to start working out more if this option wins.)
any thoughts? suggestions? i'm open to them all!

after i returned how from my two-week stint at RodeoHouston, all i wanted to do was sleep for days...but class & work were calling my name. i have to admit, i am STILL (two weeks later) not back in school mode. and it is killing me! projects, papers, quizzes, presentations....they are all coming up and there is not enough Red Bull in the world to keep me up to get all of them ready. but, who needs sleep anyway...i guess?

this weekend is Easter. i think, with the exception of my birthday, Easter is my favorite holiday. there is just something i've always loved about the Easter Bunny (except the fact that he has eggs? not a reptile, but kids don't know the difference) and well, candy is my weakness. i'm pretty pumped about going back home on friday to spend the weekend with my family and do little E-egg hunting with my 14-month-old niece. my mom sent me some pics of her hunting eggs at our church. she is a little CHUNK & i really want Chelsea Lately to put her little nugget pictures on the show one night!

"forget the eggs...i'm what's for Easter!"

my little super model! it's a baby GAP Easter ad!

we can find candy pretty quickly in our family!

"gimme dat snickers!"

i knew this post would get pretty lengthy, based on my ability to ramble--hence, the name of the blog--and on how much time has passed since my last rant! bare with me people, there are some pretty exciting times ahead in the next few weeks:

  • Chilifest! basically the highlight of my year & about as fun as christmas on crack--or at least what imagine that'd be like. the line up for saturday is a tad disappointing...but i am more than anything looking forward to FRIDAY night. good shows. good friends. and a good time sleeping in a tent with 10 other people. (ok, so it's not really that GOOD of a time, but it could be!)

  • DUNK jam! my aggie ring dunk name. pretty cleaver, huh? caroline and i will be dunking our rings at 2:10pm on April 17th. day drinking is always a good thing! we're on a mission to find an amazing "something" to have screen printed on some, if you have any incriminating photos of us, please send them our way! thanks.

  • Duck Jam not to be confused with the latter--both are going to be equally as good of a time. friday night line up: randy rogers band, wade bowen, coolio (yes, the rapper) and jonathan tyler and the northern lights! saturday: willie nelson & family, kyle park & rich o'toole. the MAJOR plus is that the venue -- Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater -- is legit, right across the street from my house!
check back in for photo's capturing each of these days & see if you can guess who passed out first in all of them...fingers crossed, it won't be me!

i think that is enough for today! though, i must say, i've noticed how this blog has, in some ways, evolved into more than i thought it would when i began. at the start of it, i was FINALLY getting over all of the bad and coming back into who i am. now, i get on here to write about the happy and the good. not about trying to FEEL happy and good & i just love that!


  1. Found your blog through your posts on Rita Ballou's. Good stuff. My family has written off and on for Texas Monthly since the early 70's. When I graduated with my Englih degree I thought I was on my way to Austin. Long story short, the day job is a very smart call. Even with talent and connections it is pretty spotty income as a stringer. Best of luck on your job hunting. I'm sure you'll land something. The internships never hurt. Happy Easter.

  2. Thanks for your input & thanks for reading! I have a feeling the "day job" is my only option at this point, fingers crossed tho! Happy Easter (yesterday) to you as well.
